Sunday, September 7, 2008


I am very excited to be making my first batch of sourdough with my blanc du bois sourdough starter. I have been eager to learn about sourdoughs for years, but never got around to really learning how to start one. Now I have the sourdough-chronic and I'm going to become a master sourdough baker.

The dough has to rise for 16 hours in all, so I am starting it tonight and baking it tomorrow. I will post pictures asap. Should I make round loaves or baguettes?

Well, it turns out, I suck!

I put the sourdough in the fridge to rise for 12-14 hours on Sunday night. Sadly, Joseph had just turned the fridge thermostat down one notch colder and I put the bowl of dough on top of the sodas on the top shelf... right under the fan where the cold air comes out. Figure it out for yourself. I'll try the sourdough again next weekend. :(


Kate said...

Baguettes, please. Feel free to send one my way! I'm sure they're going to be delicious.

AJsGirls said...

Well....I am waiting!