Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fish & Chips

That was our culinary conquest today, Fish and Chips. Joseph saw Tyler Florence do his Ultimate Fish & Chips and he was inspired and chose that to make this weekend. We had beer battered flounder, hush puppies and French Fries that meant Joseph got to use the crazy expensive and elaborate mandolin that he got me for Christmas last year. We rarely use it because I never want to clean it. We used our semi-new wok as the fryer and we broke in our brand new "spider", that I got at the outlet mall is Destin in August.

We didn't have the fish and chips until dinner time, so we snacked on cheese and crackers and some of Joseph's very best shrimp cocktail and spicy cocktail sauce in the afternoon while watching football.

Joseph frying french fries in the wok


Tomorrow we are having my dinner of choice.... mustard marinated grilled whole chicken, buttered spaetzle and glazed carrots. I'm baking personal size pear pies right now. How much do I Kick ass?!


Kate said...

MMMMMmmmmmm. Oh my gosh, that dinner looks freaking awesome.

Anonymous said...

Once again, I look at your blog pictures and my stomach starts growling.