Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Higley Chef Salad

Early in our cooking experiences together, Joseph and I made a wedge salad. It was so delicious (marinated onions and tomatoes in balsamic vinegar, iceburg, bacon, bleu cheese and homemade croutons) that we called it the "Higley Wedge Salad" and have made it several times since.

We also created the Higley House Salad, which is one of Joseph's regular requests. It consists of: romaine, iceburg, bacon, green onion, carrot, celery, cheddar, croutons, tomato, cucumber and French dressing.

Tonight, the second Tuesday where I worked and Joseph was off, I came home from work to find the all new Higley Chef Salad for dinner. It was a bed of romaine with cherry tomato, carrot, red onion, chick peas, celery, bacon, turkey, ham & white cheddar arranged in rows on top. We had toasted sourdough (store-bought, see previous entry) with butter with it and Moosehead beers to drink. A memorable Tuesday, if there is such a thing.

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