Thursday, November 6, 2008


Before I started this blog I used to write a little bit on a blog on Myspace. But Myspace is kind of creepy and full of annoying things, which is why I prefer this lovely blogspot instead. I did really enjoy writing about what I had been doing or thinking or feeling. I've always tried to have a specific topic to write about when posting a blog here, but, as it turns out, our life isn't that interesting or eventful. And as much as I love to write and post about food, I'm beginning to feel a bit one-dimensional, like that's all I can do. So, in an effort to express a little bit more of myself in writing, I am going to begin writing regular LATELY blogs again. Stay tuned.

Here's a start.


First and foremost, I am thrilled with our country. This is the first time in my life where any candidate or politician spoke in a way that I felt was directed at me. Like he was speaking to me, about what matters to me, making promises that will effect me positively. I believe he spoke to many many millions of other people in that way too, and that's why he won. He spoke to groups of Americans who have never thought that the men in Washington even knew they existed, and promised them the help they've needed for so long. I am hopeful and optimistic that Barack Obama will be in our country's history, not only as the first black President but as an effective, fair, honest and smart leader, something that our country SO BADLY needs right now. I didn't really grasp the enormity of the face that he is black and we just elected him president until watching Oprah yesterday. I would have voted for a Martian if I thought he was smart and would do a good job, and his being black never even entered my thoughts when deciding for whom I should vote. Oprah showed a clip of Martin Luther King as he spoke of his dream for his children to be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Only decades later and we have done just that, while electing the person for the most powerful position on earth. That's awesome.

I am getting ready for all the big changes that are on the horizon for us. I am *patiently* waiting for Kate to have her baby so I can get my road trip started. She's technically full term now, so the sooner the better, little girl, get a move on it! In the mean time, I am trying to find a suitable place for us to live in Austin. There are some issues as far as location, because Joseph will still be working in Marble Falls for a while, so we're limited to the southwest part of Austin, which happens to be one of the newest and most expensive parts of town. Ugh. Also, we are slightly limited because we have so much stuff. And dogs. It's not as simple in Austin as it is in Horseshoe Bay. To get into this house, the owner, my old boss from HSBR called me from Florida and said, "My house is available, do you still need a house? Move in in two weeks." Ahh, small towns do have advantages. I have to be patient and I'm sure I will find a lovely house with a big fenced yard, big kitchen and 2 full bathrooms (we have been spoiled by our separate bathroom situation!)available in January if I just keep looking.

Lately the weather has been really beautiful. I have actually had to break out my fuzzy slippers from last winter a few different times, which is something I dreamt about during the last 2 months of 90+ degrees. There is still a burn ban in our county so we have not been able to have a fire yet, which is one of the best parts of fall. It's cool and breezy, but you don't need a sweater until the sun starts to go down. I think we are going to go camping next week at Inks Lake. We never made it to Lake Travis last weekend, and we're both eager to get in just one more camping trip this year. Inks Lake is close enough to Marble Falls that we can camp for 2 or 3 days and still come into town to take care of whatever needs to be done. Perfect! And since we'll be lakeside, we can totally have a fire. That should be a nice getaway and I'm looking forward to it.

Okay, that's a start. Later.

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