Saturday, November 1, 2008

Amy's 25-hour Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Amy! How special that your 28th birthday happens to coincide with daylight savings, giving you the ultimate gift of more time... the 25-hour birthday!

We don't have much planned, but that's kind of how we like things. We are meeting some friends at their campsite at Lake Travis tomorrow, to spend the afternoon with the dogs at the lake. The weather is completely amazing right now and the dogs will appreciate one more chance to go swimming this year. In the evening we're cooking dinner together at home. Monday, because one (extra long) day of celebrating isn't enough, we are going into Austin for a sushi lunch at my very favorite place on Earth and a little birthday shopping. I think I want the ice cream maker attachment for my Kitchenaid and some new cute-butt jeans. I have a cute butt now, I have earned some kick-ass jeans. I may see something else that I want instead, that's what I have come to love about Joseph's gift giving technique (which is to put off shopping and let me shop for myself). I'll let you know what I decide on.

Then, the party will continue on to Tuesday, when we host our Election Day Party. That one won't be about me, hopefully it will be a celebration of the first steps of getting our country to suck less.


Kate said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Amy!