Saturday, November 8, 2008

Camping Trip!

I'm busy packing for our camping trip tomorrow. It's been several months since the last time we camped, and we're both pretty excited to get a few sunny fall days at the lake in before winter. Since we are going to a lake that is nearby, (20 minutes from our house, 5 from the pool/disc golf course and 10 from a grocery store) we don't have to pack as much or be nearly as diligent about not forgetting things. Some of the sights where we stayed during the spring and summer were way too far from everything to get anything that you needed or forgot. This lake, which is a Texas State Park, even has wi-fi at it's campsites, so I may post a blog about our trip from our tent. No, I won't, I'm not taking the computer, that would negate the whole point of camping, which it to get away from all things plugged-in.

The weather is beautiful right now, in the high 70s all day and then it drops quickly into the 50s when the sun goes down. There is a slight chance of rain on Monday, but we're taking our chances. As much as I personally love to be outside in the quiet stillness, far from everything and everyone, situated comfortably on the shore of a huge lake, I get most enjoyment from watching Cooper. He knows what the tents and coolers mean and his excitement is incredible. Marshall loves being with us and relaxing outdoors, but he's more likely to just it park under a tree and nap than anything else. Cooper will run and play and swim from sun up until sun down and love every second of it.

We'll have some fabulous meals, even lakeside and over a fire. I've got some chicken breasts and pork tenderloin marinating. I also made some baked beans last night that amazed even me. I will post the recipe, it's simple and so freakin' good that everyone should have it. We're expecting some friends to stop by, so I'll be ready to feed a crowd. Other than grilling, Joseph will play disc golf and fish and I will read and lay in the sun. I plan to hike around the lake, there is a really awesome trail that I'm looking forward to trying out. Before the sun goes down (at 6pm) we'll drink some margaritas and enjoy the peace and quiet. We have not had a campfire all summer, so I am happy to finally get to use the s'mores ingredients that have been in my pantry for 6 months.

Hope everyone else has a great weekend. I'll post with some pictures when we get back on Tuesday.

Peace. And oh yeah, I can't believe OBAMA actually won. There is hope again.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hope you have a great trip.