Saturday, January 3, 2009

A grrrrrreat day at work

A seriously awesome sixth day at a new job! Here's what happened.

Since my arrival I had been noticing several aspects of the food & beverage department that needed to be adjusted or improved. I mentioned a few of them to my boss, she agreed, and then asked for the rest of my suggestions. The next day I presented her with each aspect that I thought needed improving and my suggestion for how to do so.

One of my suggestions required restructuring the entire kitchen and hiring another cook, another would include rearranging the f&b responsibilities amongst the staff in a totally different way. She agreed with each one and she promised to stand behind me about all of them to the staff. The only hurdle before presenting and implementing my changes was to present a summary to the GM and the board of directors for approval.

It took about 45 minutes for them to agree all the way around and approve of each and every one of my suggestions. We are ordering new uniforms, redefining staff job descriptions, training servers on proper table service and changing the employee meal program. The best part though... I got to bring in my friend David, the baker from 909, to be the NEW COOK! He came in and was hired today! It is so AWESOME that I have someone in the kitchen now who is on the same page (culinarily) as me as I'm making these changes at the club. SO KICKASS! Also, he's got a baby and a pregnant wife, and it makes me pretty frickin' happy to have helped him get a great job! And, if you wish to scan back to the days of Cafe 909, you will read that I absolutely adore working with David. And he's my bread tutor, so I can get more sourdough lessons!!!!

I called my dad on my way home to tell him about my day. He was happy/impressed/proud/supportive, you know, all that dad stuff. At the end of the conversation he said, "Make sure you let me know when Ben (Crenshaw) knows your name." I said, "Dad, I'm pretty sure he already does." He laughed and said , "Ben Crenshaw knows your name?" And that is when I knew he was really proud of me. :)

See, it was a great day at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy! that's so great..I'm really happy for you! That's cool that you and David will be working together agin too...Congratulations!
