Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bangs, yes bangs

I went to see Vallejo perform at Lorraine's tonight. The music was good, it's always good. The bass player and I said hello at the bar before they went on stage. I explained that I was no longer working at Lorraine's, just there to see the show. The next thing he said was, "you gonna be partying later?". I didn't get hit on very often while working at Lorraine's, but I knew enough to know that in "rock star talk" this meant either drugs or sex. I said "I have to make it an early night, because I am running a half marathon tomorrow, so I don't think so", and walked away. I am sometimes even astonished at what comes out of my mouth. Half marathon, what?

It is different being on the other side of the situation, now watching the music and drinking myself, but with all the same drunk people around. Bars are crazy places and the worst of most people comes out at the bar. I am thrilled to be no longer working in the bar industry, and I will be beyond-thrilled when my sexy, sexy, blond, dimple-cheeked Joseph is no longer serving drinks to drunk redneck bitches of Marble Falls. It's not jealousy, just a general disdain of the entire situation. Anyway...

I told Kate that I would take some pictures of my hair before I went out tonight. Here they are. And by the way, I have been running my ass off in some hot nasty weather to look this good in skinny jeans!


1 comment:

Kate said...

CUTE! Your hair looks so good, Amy. I love it.