Friday, October 3, 2008


The Los Angeles Dodgers are making Joseph VERY VERY happy these days! Anything that makes him happy makes me happy, and as a result I find myself actually really caring how they do. I am becoming a true Dodger fan, and I love to wear my pink-on-black LA hat around Texas.

The Dodgers embarassed the Chicago Cubs twice, in Chicago. Wednesday the score was 7-2 and last night it was a whopping 10-3! Now they're traveling back to LA, the next game is Saturday. They only have to beat Chicago one more time before they're headed to the National League Championship games. There they will play the winner of the Milwaukee-Philadelphia series, in which Philly is currently up two.

The Dodgers have not been great in recent years. In fact, 2-0 is their best post season record in 20 years, since they won the World Series in 1988. Joseph was 13 the last time they had a team do so well. Naturally, he is really excited!

Keep your fingers crossed for another win on Saturday! I wish we weren't so afraid of spending money right now, because I think a surprise trip to Philly would be SO MUCH FUN!

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