Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day

Elizabeth recently asked me, after I complained about Texas, "when do you love it in Texas?"

I had a 45 minute business meeting driving around on a golf cart this afternoon. It was a sunny, glorious day that topped out at seventy-seven degrees! So lovely. (PS. The meeting was to plan the garden that we're planting at the club, to grow some vegetables and herbs, as well as a means to reduce our waste by creating a need for a compost pile. All things I am really really excited about getting to be involved in. More on that later.)

As I drove home about 4 o'clock with my windows wide open and my left arm hanging out, I realized that days like today are the reason that I live here.

When I have to wear sunglasses and it's almost 80 degrees on a day in the middle of February ... that is when I LOVE living in Texas.

It's offically spring. It may get cold again for a day, but as far as everything around me is concerned, it's springtime, which is my very most favorite time of the year.

When I got home we took a 3 mile walk (in tshirt and shorts) with Joseph, Cooper & fatass Marshall (more on that later too). It was A Beautiful Day. :)

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