Monday, February 9, 2009

in bed with the flu...

I caught the nasty flu bug that had been circulating at work. It hit me like a sledgehammer late Friday night. I got up and went to work on Saturday morning, although Joseph and my better judgement told me not to. (I used to pretend to be sick a lot in my youth, so I have a hard time believing that I am actually sick now as an adult) I thought perhaps the vomiting and cold sweats had come from something I had eaten, and I'd feel better in the morning. In the morning though, I found my arms too weak to wash my hair in the shower and my legs too weak to stand to iron my pants. I still tried to tough it out but only lasted 90 minutes at work. Most of those 90 minutes I spent shivering and quietly moaning in the break room. It was quite pathetic.

It was a unanimous decision that I was an idiot for even getting out of bed. I drove home wishing I'd just called in sick (lesson learned), took advil, drank a vitamin water and crashed hard for about 6 hours. My weekend went something like this... advil, 7up, sleep, movie, vomit and repeat.....

Luckily, we had just gotten new movies from Netflix. I watched Charlie Bartlett (A, the main character is darling and so enjoyable to watch), Forgetting Sarah Marshall (C, made me want to go to Hawaii but that's it) and The Heartbreak Kid (A-, stupid and gross, but really funny). I fell asleep during the Express, about the first black man to win the Heisman, Joseph said it was sad but good.

It's Monday and I'm finally starting to feel better. I'm going to stick to the chicken soup and dry Life cereal diet for another day. I'm still a little queasy and weak, but just being able to sit up at the computer and having the motivation to type or read something is a complete turn around from yesterday. I haven't felt that awful in many years.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better. By teh way, what do you mean you faked being sick alot in your youth???

AJsGirls said...

So very sorry you've been sick!:( I have heard of several people being so sick and I am washing hands like mad praying we stay healthy.