Saturday, July 12, 2008

$100 Bet

Over the years I have learned that it is best to leave Joseph at home when I go grocery shopping. He is lovely company and always has very funny commentary about some of the Marble Fallers, but when Joseph's there the grocery bill is at least $50 more than if I go alone. I try to coordinate my shopping with his disc golf or work, because I can never tell him I don't want him to come with me.

Anyway, part of the reason the bill is higher is that Joseph buys way too much of things. I try to reason with him, that we won't eat that many ribeyes and we don't need two gallons of ice cream. We are home a lot but our hours are weird and we don't generally eat at home more than once a day, twice on weekends sometimes.

On our last trip to HEB Joseph saw some yogurt on sale that he wanted. He wheeled the cart over and started loading up. I stopped him at ten. We agreed on eight, assuming I'd throw away at least four.

This is when the $100 bet happened. On the ride home I offered Joseph one hundred dollars, from my business account to his pocket (would be ineffective if I took it from our account, I'm being completely fair), if he ate all eight yogurts before the expiration date. I will totally do it too!

But I am confident I will not being paying him anything.

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