Monday, March 16, 2009

Still Alive!

Long time, no post, huh?

I am sorry for the long absence from blogging. We've been having some serious (ly annoying) technical issues. Our laptop has a virus, or several, which is being erased and reloaded as we speak. Should be up and running shortly! I have the ability to post from my BlackBerry, but I'm not fluent enough with the keys to type a whole blog without major frustration, and I can't post pictures anyway, so what's the point?

We've been busy and it has been kind of refreshing to have been without a computer at home for a few weeks. Kind of refreshing, mostly irritating, lets be honest.

Joseph got his very own disc golf basket for our yard, and he is absolutely thrilled. The basket was apparently the only thing holding him back from real success, and we can't have anything holding him back, right?!? He moves it all over our yard, as well as the two empty, yet very treed lots beside our house and practices putting for hours on end. Once our computer is back from Suckville, I will post some photos.

Last week we had a house guest, which is always an exciting treat! My Cousin Erin came all the way from Boston to spend her spring break with us here. She also came to HSB in 2004, the second trip was way better. Except for the weather! Sadly, it went from being in the 80s and sunny the week before she came, to being cold, rainy and disgusting when she got here. It was actually warmer in Boston when she flew home, than it was in Austin. It was great to see her and we had lots of fun. We got a few good walks in before the rain came, but mostly we stayed indoors watching movies and eating good food. We also shopped quite a bit and got our nails done.

Mike's going to be a daddy very very soon! Little baby boy Marsh has been making some noise this weekend, but so far, no news. Any day now! I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait to see if he looks just like Mike. Fingers crossed for a healthy, fat baby and an easy, quick labor & delivery for Kristin.

And one last thing.... got to serve Luke Wilson a chili dogs last week. And I'm kind of in love with his hot brother Andrew.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see a blog post. Hope your computer is back up and running soon. I'm happy Erin was able to get out to HSB for a nice break from her studying- too bad the weather didn't cooperate.

AJsGirls said...

Yea! I've missed you so! Glad J got a toy, he deserves it, right? Do they have some sort of professional championship he could enter and win $$$$?